Refreshing summer treats and your oral hygiene

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refreshing summer treats and your oral hygiene

Summer is a time for indulgences which unfortunately is not the best time for your oral hygiene. With the heat of summer, it’s common for many people to drink cold beverages and eat ice cream as well as being out in the sun. But don’t cut out the good parts of your summer, we want to provide a few simple tips to enjoy the benefits of the good weather without having to worry about your next dental visit.

Your Teeth Are Not Tools!

Your teeth are designed as the initial digestion method of your body and are used to break down food for your stomach. Many people feel that their teeth can substitute for tools and use them to open bottles, wrappers, and chew ice. Engaging in these types of habits can be very harmful for your teeth and costly to repair as using your teeth on a hard surfaces not meant to be digested can cause hairline fractures. So remember to only use your teeth for their intended purposes and not as tools.

Use Mouth Guards During Sports

When playing sports in the summer, even if they are not contact sports, it is a good idea to wear proper protection. Your teeth can be easily protected by wearing a mouth guard during your sports activities. Please visit South Trail Crossing Dental that will provide you with a custom mouth guard that will protect your teeth this summer.

Summer Treats Can Hurt Your Teeth

As we gear up for summer, there are many ways to beat the heat: Swimming, Camping, Jumping through a sprinkler, Chasing the ice cream truck. Remember that while enjoying a refreshing cool snack such as ice cream, slurpees, sodas, freezies, there is just a few things to remember as some of these snacks may not be the best for your oral health. Also, learn how you can help offset the damage.

Sugary Ice Cream Can Cause Tooth Decay

Dairy products, like ice cream, can be a good source of calcium. Unfortunately, most ice creams are made with lots of sugar, one of the leading causes of tooth decay. When buying ice cream, we suggest buying sugar-free or low-sugar ice cream. However, if your child wants regular ice cream, there are a few ways to minimize the impact the sugar has on the teeth.

  • Brush teeth after eating ice cream or rinse with water or mouth wash. This will help get some of the sticky sugars off the enamel.
  • Avoid ice cream with extras like caramel or syrup
  • Eat ice cream at the end of a meal.

Sodas Erode Tooth Enamel

Are sodas bad for my teeth? Yes, they are! The acids in sodas start to eat away at the enamel on your teeth only 20 minutes after your first drink. Plus, the extra calories provide no nutritional value. We recommend substituting a sugar filled soda with water to quench your thirst on the hot days.

Be Sure To Wear Lip Balm with an SPF of at least 15

Even if you remember to wear sunscreen on your face and body when spending time outdoors, you may forget about your lips. Your lips are more susceptible to burning than most parts of your body, yet many people don’t think about protecting them from the sun. A quick application of lip balm will go a long way in protecting the lips from the sun’s harmful rays.
Remember, summer time is a time to enjoy. Using moderation in your eating habits can allow you to maintain good oral hygiene while still enjoying the tasty treats you desire.
