SE Calgary Dentists are dedicated in helping prevent childhood decay – The practitioners at South Trail Crossing Dental take the dental health of all patients seriously – especially when it comes to little ones who need extra care and attention to ensure that their teeth are kept healthy and their smiles bright.
The Canadian Dental Association recommends that a child see a dentist at the age of one – as it is in a child’s formative dental years that decay can sneak up quickly and leave a cute little toddler toothless and dealing with pain and discomfort. We know it sounds crazy, but babies are at risk for dental decay. Even though a baby’s diet is restricted to formula or breast milk – they are exposed to sugars present in the milk – sugars that if left on tooth surfaces can react with bacteria in the mouth and create the perfect environment for decay to form. Babies without teeth still need to have their gums wiped after a feeding to remove traces of milk – as even though there are no teeth visible in the mouth – developing teeth are just below the gum tissue and are at risk for dental decay.
Childhood Dental Decay is on the rise and is partly due to the fact that many children are over the age of three before seeing a dentist for the first time. The first few years of life are crucial to the healthy formation of teeth – and a lack of attention to brushing and flossing in the early years can set a child up for a lifetime of dental issues. Bringing your child to a SE Calgary Dentist by the age of one provides an opportunity for your dentist to evaluate the health of your child’s mouth and monitor any concerns that may need to be treated at an appropriate age.
Taking the time to brush and floss your child’s teeth – along with monitoring their intake of simple carbohydrates – is probably one of the best things you can do to help give your child’s dentition the best possible start. If you have concerns regarding your child’s dental health, or if you would like to discuss making an appointment for your child, contact South Trail Crossing Dental today 403.720.2778